Friday, March 5, 2010

Two heartbeats at my feet

A few months after becoming a homeowner with a yard I began the search for another piece in my domestic puzzle.

I searched for many months and narrowed down my breeds. I applied for several dogs through rescue and was denied more times that I can even count. One morning I came in to find "lola" on, in a rescue in WVA. A 4 year old French Bulldog. I contacted the rescue and applied immediatley...I was the first applicant.

The two months that followed were a roller coaster ride. The foster had grown attached and after many failed meetings she decided to keep lola. I had already bought things for her and Brian and I were preparing for our lives as dog owners. I sulked for weeks. I was so put off by rescue at that point I made up my mind to do exactly what I was trying to avoid....get a puppy.

That is how Otto came to be with us. In hindsight I wish I had researched the breeder better and gone with a more professional one. I knew that pet stores were bad places to buy puppies, and internet dealers were bad, but I did not know what to look for in a breeder. My decision was hasty and I regret it. I love my dog but I regret my determination in acquiring him.

January 1, 2009 I brought home a 6lb Boston Terrier that we call Otto.

Then, very unexpectedly, almost one year to the day of application and the same week as my 26th Birthday I heard from the rescue woman again.
I expected more hesitation from Brian but I think he knew it was futile.
Circumstances had changed and she had to place the dog in a home.

Osa had a rough life before her introduction to life as a pet. Used as a breeder in a MO puppy mill and caged for 3 years, kept pregnant, and forced to nurse puppies that would be sold in pet stores. If you ever wonder where puppies in pet stores come from....they are bred by dogs like Osa. Some of these dogs have never been outside. They are dogs that are not socialized, kept pregnant, and killed or dumped when they fail to produce puppies.

She is between 5-6 years old and is perhaps the sweetest little dog that I have ever met. Otto has adjusted to her and occasionally I catch them cuddling or licking each others ears. They have squabbles but I am convinced that Otto secretly loves her. How could you not? He does not prefer to share me with her but things have settled down a lot and they accept each other.

That is the story of my spoiled beasts. I tried to keep it shorter but it's a long story and I enjoy telling it. They are a lot of work but I love every minute with them. It is such a joy to come home to them. Otto is still very much a crazy puppy and we are 2 weeks away from finishing our advanced training class. I will post a video of what we have learned in a few weeks.

Yes, I know what a huge jerk I am for dressing my dogs in matching lumberjack coats and photographing them for a Christmas card. I could not help myself.

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