Friday, March 26, 2010


My teeth are in bad shape. Through a combination of genetics and growing up in the country with fluoride free well water my teeth lack the necessary enamel to fight off cavities. I am 26 and almost every tooth in my mouth has been filled, several have been filled in multiple places and I am at risk for cracks. I have lost two teeth to decay, one was pulled out and the other I opted to crown, only because it was near the front and a gap would have been visible.

In one hour I'm going to my Dentist to talk about having another crown on a lower molar that cracked and broke about 4 years ago. It never bothered me until now. The tooth shifted about a month ago and the nerve is exposed. I knew something was wrong when I suffered excruciating pain while eating room temperature yogurt. The timing is perfect, as it always is, we've got an expensive trip planned and I had just enough saved to travel I'm looking at a grand to fix this damn tooth.

I'd pull them all out and get dentures if I could. Come to think of it, I probably should. It's only going to get worse with time. Good thing I absolutley love my Dentist. How many people can say that? It's unfortunate he's an older guy because I know he won't be around forever. I will miss him so much when he stops practicing.
Most dentists use a little swab with a local anistetic before the shot, but not this guy, this guy has a fancy device that uses pressure to inject that stuff painlessly into the first few layers of skin, so the final shot does not even hurt. Not even a prick. I think he's the only dentist in existence that can make a shot into the gums a pleasant experience.

My fingers are crossed...I really really really hope I don't need a root canal. They are a breeze but they hurt my wallet the most. What a way to start the weekend...:(

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