Monday, April 16, 2012


I loved this at first. But a lot of the little details were lacking. It photographs well and I will wear it around the house but not to the yarn shop. When I wear it I think everyone is staring at all the little bunches from my sad end-weaving and the tiny little holes from picking up the stitches under the arms. It's still good, as far as first projects go.

As soon as it was finished I was back in the yarn place dropping a small fortune on yarn for another top. It is easy to spend a lot on these big pieces. A long scarf might run 2 or 3 skeins of yarn at $9/10 each but a sweater in medium or large demands 6 or 7. So, $70 in just material. Hobbies are expensive and that's OK! I'm just sayin'...This one has kept me busy for three weeks and I'm almost finished. It is really just the loveliest thing and I am incredibly proud of it.

I hope I can have it done by the end of the week.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter slump

Even though this winter has been incredibly mild I have not been in the mood for anything. I've been having some health issues and I think that's a lot of it, but I've also been feeling a little funky. stuck in a rut. etc.

I'm trying to grow more professionally this year and have been working on that. Still knitting! that is always my one consistent source for achievement. I am dying for Spring to get here so I can plant some things and watch them grow.