Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I love my kindle and I can honestly say that I have never loved a gadget so much. Not my smart phone, not my ipod, not my gps. It's all about the kindle. I do not know what it is about this thing that makes reading so damn enjoyable. Maybe it's the fact that I can get a book suggestion, look it up, and have it delivered to the thing in less than a minute. Also, I can download knitting patterns to it instead of printing them out and carrying around pattern papers that get all wrinkly by the time I'm done with a project. It is the jam.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Love these guys

I have a friend that learned how to play the banjo because he said that a sad song could never be played on a banjo. I can't recall ever being very fond of much music that featured the banjo, but after hearing these guys a few months ago I understand what he meant.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Irish Hiking Scarf

River Run:

I wish I had some better pictures of these two but I snapped them 5 minutes before we were running out the door on Christmas.

I finished my destroyed cowl (it's gorgeous!)and will start another one for myself this week, then I should move on to arm warmers/mittens/or socks. I am not sure which direction I'm taking yet.

As for the New Year, I'm glad it's here. I don't have much to say about NYE. Last Monday I came down with a horrible cold and it knocked me on my ass for a full week. I'm still feeling residual effects of it and can't smell or taste anything. NYE I built a roaring fire, and watched Harry Potter 5 on the couch with the dogs. Brian went to a friends house party. It was actually a rather nice way to start off the year.

I don't normally make resolutions. There are a few things I'd like to do more of this year but I haven't firmly resolved to do them, I'm too ambivalent for resolutions.
I should probably walk my dogs more often, make more meals at home, and I would like to pay off my new car within the next 1-2 years rather than waiting the duration of the loan.

The one thing I'm really looking forward to in 2011? The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

I can't wait to see a bunch of sheep, buy some wool from local tradespeople and pet some alpacas