Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No vacation in 2011

Got my teeth cleaned today. The worst part of my day was not the cleaning itself, it was learning that my dentist had retired. He was my favorite. It's hard to explain to people the relationship we shared, but I will miss him more than I can express. Good Dentists are hard to find.

I will wait to pass judgment on the young man that is now my Dentist. Judgment will be coming soon since we will be spending a lot of time together starting next week.

I am aware of my dental issues and was prepared for the worst. I got the worst, and more! But I was prepared so it's not a big shock.
I scanned my treatment plan to share with the world. Check it out. I am going to laminate it and show it to people that complain about having one cavity that needs a filling.

No vacation in 2011, indeed.

The item "Bruxism Brace" is a fancy word for what I am now calling a "sexy mouth guard"
I will be sleeping with a mouth piece soon. Hot. Apparently I grind my teeth and this is partially contributing to the 3 teeth I have that are cracked--one is clean down the middle. Thanks well water+genetics+unconscious jaw grinding habit!

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