Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Natural beauty products

I have been trying to adopt a more "natural" beauty routine. I guess I'm doing it because I try to think about what kind of food I put in my body, so I suppose I should also consider the fact that I slather myself with chemicals on a daily basis. The beauty industry is almost completley unregulated and it's pretty scary when you start to read ingredients and research them. Here are a few of the big offenders

1) Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, and Ethyl Paraben- Some combination of these synthetic ingredients are in almost EVERY skin and hair product made today. Widely known to be highly toxic and cause allergic/skin reactions. Companies use this dangerous ingredient, because it is extremely cheap and extends the shelf life of the product by inhibiting microbial growth.

2) Propylene Glycol -This Petroleum by-product is a synthetic ingredient used as a humectant. Also used as an INDUSTRIAL ANTI-FREEZE to de-ice airplanes. This toxic ingredient causes many allergic reactions. Research data states that through skin contact it can cause "liver abnormalities and kidney damage."

3) Synthetic Fragrances - Most Products will simply say "Fragrance" which means any combination of the cheapest 200 synthetic, toxic ingredients the company can find. Causes headaches, dizziness, rashes, violent coughing, vomiting, skin irritations etc... 4) Triethanolamine (TEA)/Diethanolamine (DEA) - Used to adjust the pH balance, but toxic and causes eye problems, and dryness of skin and hair. DEA has been linked with kidney, liver and other organ damage according to several government-funded research. One study found that the topical application of DEA in rodents resulted in anemia, kidney degeneration, and nerve damage to the brain and spinal cord. (Melnick et al., 1994) Even more disturbing was that several animals died before the study ended. Approximately 200 million pounds of DEA are produced annually in the U.S., most of which goes into personal care products. (USITC, 1990).

5) Imidazolidinyl Urea and Diazolidinyl Urea - Used as a a preservative, but a primary cause of contact dermatitis. You might see these toxic chemicals under the names Germall II and Germall 115, which release formaldehyde at just over 10°.

6)Phthalates: Some studies have shown compelling evidence of the dangers of specific phthalates. Environment California, a California based environmental advocacy group, reports that one of the dangers of phthalates includes early puberty in girls. As reported by them, a Puerto Rico study concluded that young girls who experienced premature breast development had seven times higher concentrations of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) in their bodies than the control group. DEHP is a common plasticizer used in the hospital setting in medical tubing and blood bags.

Other studies have linked DEHP to male reproductive problems such as genital defects and reduced testosterone production. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified DEHP as a possible carcinogen based on animal studies.

Sounds awesome.

One of my first transitions has been deodorant. This is a bold move because I sweat a lot and it's gross. Natural deodorants do not prevent perspiration so they do nothing for moisture and are mainly for blocking the smell of body odor. My first product trial was Tom's of maine unscented deodorant. NO. No no no no a thousand times no. 3 hours into it I am soaking wet and I stink. I'm glad I was working from home that day.

Next product has been successful so far. It smells fantastic and works! Love it. Do not love the price tag so I hope it lasts a while.

Lavanilla healthy deodorant.

I will continue to try different products as I swap out my old products. I have never really worn lipstick so I did try some of the burts bees tinted lip products and I love them

I think the biggest challenge will be hair products, concealer, and foundation.

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