Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In order from "most likely to buy" to "not happening"

Now that spring is here I am back into home project mode. About 3 weeks ago I got this crazy idea that my yard needed grass. Anyone with more than one dog knows that this is an exercise in futility when the yard is as small as mine, but I still spent 2 hours raking the mud and laying down seed. 3 weeks later I have baby grass and every time it gets stomped or soiled on by a dog I die a little inside. Still, I am happy to see a little bit of green in the mud pit.

A few things I hope to start, gather quotes for, and/finish by the end of the summer:

1) Painting and finding art for the enormous stairwell
2) Painting and changing the hardware on all the doors
3) The master bedroom
4) Replacing the fence or making a patio under the deck--no more mud pit!


  1. Wow, I love that print. Who is that by/where is it from?

    That's one of my favorite things about Spring: working on the yard and the patio. Would love to see photographic progress of your mud-pit-turned-grassy-oasis :D

  2. Once you see this link you will probably lose the next 2 hours looking at prints.

    I am crazy about this guys stuff. I want all of it.
