Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am not a food blogger

However, I do frequently make meals and occasionally I bake. I read food blogs but I am personally not dedicated enough to photograph the messes I make in the kitchen and the final meal. Occasionally I may blog about things I make in the kitchen, especially when they are as time consuming and delicious as falafel!

Falafel (pronounced /fəˈlɑːfəl/; is a fried ball or patty made from ground chickpeas and/or fava beans.
Falafel is usually served in a pita, which acts as a pocket, or wrapped in a flat bread known as lafa. The falafel balls are topped with salads, pickled vegetables and hot sauce, and drizzled with tahini-based sauces. Falafel balls may also be eaten alone as a snack or served as part of a mezze.

It is easy to make if you posses a food processor and you are a patient person. It is a simple meal but it is not a quick one.
I like to serve my falafel in warm pita bread, with boston butter lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and two kinds of sauce-tahini sauce and tzatziki

Tzatziki recipe here

The tahini was improvised a little, but here is a basic recipe. The base of Tahini is a ground sesame paste that I think is a little too acrid. There are varying degrees of quality when it comes to this stuff.

I prefer the Krinos brand over the Joyva brand. It is a little harder to find but it is much less bitter and I think it makes a huge difference. This is a basic recipe for it

Tahini Sauce Recipe

I halved the ingredients for both sauces because I only cook for 2 people. Both can be adjusted to taste. I usually take the recipes as a guide for measurements but I don't always follow them. It is rare that two of the same meals I make will taste the same.

A photo of my very lazy sous chef, Osa.

Note her loaf-like shape and golden brown hue. She is sometimes referred to as "Loafsa" for this reason.

Lastly, Here is the falafel recipe. I use the same recipe every time. It has never failed me.

Falafel recipe

That mash of stuff on the plates is grilled eggplant. I brush my eggplant with olive oil, honey, balsamic vinegar, and crushed hot peppers before I grill it.

There you have it. A blog dedicated to food. I have a new appreciation for my friends that post pictures of all the ingredients together and pictures of cups pouring sugar into mixing bowls and detail all of the ingredients step by step. I am very loose in my interpretations of recipes so this is as good as it gets!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo...can Mike and I come over for a Greek Night? I've never had falafel but it sounds and looks incredible. So does the eggplant. And the tzatziki.

    "Loafsa", too. She would look so cute with a little pat of butter on her head.
