Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Three words...

Duck Fat Fries

In the spirit of trying new things we ventured to Columbia on Sunday night to try a place that had come highly recommended through a friend, and also on the howchow blog, my new favorite source for restaurant recommendations in Howard county


Simply amazing.

The waitress described the menu as comfort food and I couldn't agree more.

I don't want to leave out the best part....their drink menu is about 20 pages long, with just about every kind of beer you can think of. Brian had the Rougue Chipotle ale which was fantastic and I had the Southampton publik house double white. I think their draught menu changes month to month so of course this means we'll have to eat here monthly.

1 comment:

  1. Duck fat *anything* is pretty much awesome. I've had some duck fat roast potatoes that were out of this world. Duck fat is the solution to any boring dish.. don't like it? Use duck fat next time!
